Sunday, October 4, 2009

That Looks Delicious

All right, another fantastic website I frequent.

It's not uncommon for people to start blogs about cooking. I can name about 5 off the top of my head, and honestly, I really like those sites more than the "" places. The blogs tend to have more pictures and step by step instructions, and you can really get a feel for how the chef does things. I feel that if you can adopt their style early on, I would have no trouble cooking anything they make. Now, if only a site existed where these chefs could submit their recipes, and they were displayed or divided up into nice little categories.

OH WAIT! That site DOES exist, and it is the little gem of the web known as ""

This site rules. I'm not sure I have to even describe it. The main page just has all of the most recent entries listed with pictures, captioned with a nice little description of what it is. Clicking on any picture takes you directly to the blog article/recipe/how-to that tells you how to make it. Along with the main page, though, you can choose at the top to give you random collections of recipes, or to give you the most popular entries for different time periods. There is also a search function.

Located at the bottom of any page is the treasure trove. There is a list of the categories that all the recipes fall under, so if you are in the mood for a certain type of food, it's just a click away. There are also categories for what looks like feature blogs, so that's also nice if one really seems to shine above all the others.

If you enjoy cooking, or are trying to learn, can be very helpful (I learned how to dice an onion without fucking it up, for instance). If you don't cook, you still might find it enjoyable. Give it a look

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