Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Moving on up

Well, a template redesign wasn't near enough for me, so I've decided to move to Wordpress to focus more on my writing there while leaving this place as a more personal space for my everyday lunacy. This site will still exist, but the majority of my posts will exist there from here on out.

Thank you for reading and I hope you'll join me at my new site: http://evilgoodwin.wordpress.com

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Template Change

After some deliberation, decided my blog needed a makeover. I feel that I should opt for readability over style, so I switched to a nicer font and color scheme.

That's that.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Flash Fiction Challenge: Five Words Plus One Vampire

Hey everybody.

So there's a blog I read, "terribleminds" and the author sometimes puts up writing challenges. For a small distraction from some schoolwork, I thought it would be fun to try it this time. The challenge is to write a flash-fiction piece using 3 of 5 randomly generated words, plus include a vampire in it in 1,000 words or so.

Here's the link to the challenge itself: http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2011/10/14/flash-fiction-challenge-five-words-plus-one-vampire/

Sadly, I'm a bit too wordy. Not only did I go over the limit of 1,000 words . . . I did it twice. Actually, I almost did it three times, but I was able to finish with a final word-count of 2,952. Oops.

Oh well. At least I finally got to work on something new and since I rarely post actual work, here you go!

UPDATE (10-23-2011): Fixed some formatting to make it easier on the eyes.

Friday, October 14, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2011: Monsters

While I didn't finish last year (looking back, it feels like I haven't worked on that story for years), I will participate again this year. For the past two months, I've been trying to start my current story but I can only make it a few scenes before I restart it. The first time, I realized that I hated my main character, so I had to kill him and restart (I literally killed him in the first attempt. Just mid-scene wrote "Suddenly, the ground opens up and sends the young man hurtling towards the fiery pits of Hell"). Second time? I ruined him even faster. In my head he was right, but on paper he just moped about like a thirteen year-old. I didn't even bother killing him and just deleted the files. This time, I've outlined the work out and I think I can pull it off, so I'm going to start it over again in November. So anyway, here's the basic info for next month's project/contest.